Freitag, 14. März 2014

You might not have played Shantae (GBC)

Although the Shantae franchise is getting more well known with the release of the third game for the Nintendo 3DS and the successful Kickstarter for an HD Shantae Game, most people might not have played Shantae for the Gameboy Color. 

Gameplay: Adventure, Platformer, Singleplayer 
Shantae is a game that is incredibly charming due to its rich variety in graphics and detail. If you play it you notice right from the beginning that this game does not play around. It is well directed and still has an open side scrolling world for you to explore. The Exceiting part about this game is that it uses some metroidvania aspects in its gameplay. Obtain an ability or key item and more pathways open up for you to explore. Additionaly it does a great job telling a cute story of a Half-Genie who wants to fulfill her job in protecting a city, which is normaly a job for full fledged genies. The abilities you get over the course of the game are exciting to use and definately a strong point of the game.

Play this on an online-emulator, because the game costs no less than 200$ this day and age.

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